Tuesday, July 31, 2012

$10.00 Necklaces!

So the big announcement today is that I've finished one of my R&D projects and put the resulting test-necklaces in the experiments & clearance section of my Artfire shop for only $10.00 each! 
They look like this:



Find them here:

Also, don't forget to drop in and follow me over at Google +.  I'm +NightshadeRose Studio, and I'll be doing all manner of interesting things over there, like showing off a few pages of my sketchbook and asking what I should make next.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hair Accessories have finally listed!

So I finally got two combs and a barrette up last night:

This is the Wave comb that I don't think I've shared around much.  It's specifically designed in the tradition of old Victorian tortoise and celluloid combs.  The comb was kind of cool before I got the rhinestones on, but is especially awesome with them.  Also, the barbed tines keep it especially secure in all kinds of hair.

You can find/purchase it at http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/4897358.

This faux "ebony" black knot comb was the first thing I ever carved from acrylic.  I still think it's pretty awesome.

Find it on Artfire here: http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/4897356

And then, of course, last but not least, there's our old friend the Art Nouveau whiplash barrette.  This is the one that went from fail to awesome in one color change a few weeks back.

Available here: http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/4897350

Coming up over the next couple of days: Buttons! Loads of buttons. I'll also be filling up the "Experiments" section of my shop with a double handful of pendants made while I was testing out the glass bead technique. Those will be $10-$15 each.

That's it for now. Hopefully there will be more updates soon!